FB 6 Mathematik/Informatik/Physik

Institut für Mathematik

Navigation und Suche der Universität Osnabrück




Freedom of the will, crime and drugs (Intensive course)




Anyone who commits a crime, if caught, is usually punished for it - but only if they are responsible for it. And it is often assumed that one must have committed the crime of one's own free will in order to be responsible for it. There are situations in which it is doubtful whether someone really acted of their own free will: for example, if they suffered from mental impairment or were under the influence of drugs. In such cases, decisions about punishment are often difficult to make.

In this seminar we want to think about these questions. This book will serve as a basis:
Levy, K. M. (2019). Free will, responsibility, and crime: An introduction. Routledge.

This is an "intensive seminar". 6 credit points can be earned by regular attendance, a presentation, and written contributions. The exact form of the written contributions will be clarified at the beginning of the seminar.

Weitere Angaben

Ort: 50/E07
Zeiten: Mi. 10:00 - 12:00 (wöchentlich)
Erster Termin: Mittwoch, 26.10.2022 10:00 - 12:00, Ort: 50/E07
Veranstaltungsart: Seminar (Offizielle Lehrveranstaltungen)


  • Cognitive Science > Bachelor-Programm