Prof. Dr. Valeriya Dinger, rer. pol.

Institut für Mathematik Heger-Tor-Wall 14 49069 Osnabrück |
Raum: | 29/E12 |
Telefon: | |
Fax: | |
E-Mail: | valeriya.dinger@uni-osnabrueck.de |
Homepage: | |
Sprechzeiten: |
Sommersemester 2025
- [Bachelor] Business Cycles and Economic Growth
- [Bachelor] Money, Banks and Financial Markets
- [Bachelorseminar von Prof. Dinger] The Limits to Growth and Degrowth
- [Master] Advanced Macroeconomics
- [Master] Exercise for Advanced Macroeconomics
- [Masterseminar] Applied Data Science in the Field of Macroeconomics
- Abschlussarbeitenkolloquium FG Makroökonomik (Prof. Dinger)
- Get-together MSc Economics, start of study in the summer semester 2025
Wintersemester 2024/25
- [2-Fächer-Bachelor] Orientierungsveranstaltung Volkswirtschaftslehre im 2-Fächer-Bachelor-Studiengang ("Schritt 1")
- [Bachelor] Grundlagen der Makroökonomik
- [Master: Advanced Seminar in Macroeconomics] Macroeconomic Perspectives on Growth, Inequality, and Political Polarization
- Abschlussarbeitenkolloquium FG Makroökonomik (Prof. Dinger)
- Disputation Carla Reinken
- Get-together MSc Economics, start of study in the winter semester 2024/2025