Argumentation in scientific writing
Lecturer: Kai Hüwelmeyer, Institut für Argumentationskompetenz,
studied physics and philosophy in Tübingen, Manchester and Frankfurt. He completed his degree in philosophy with a thesis on the objectivity and truth of moral statements. Since 2017 he has been looking at how moral opinions can be justified in the face of disagreement, as part of his PhD thesis. Kai Hüwelmeyer has several years of academic teaching experience in physics and mathematics as well as in philosophy and logic. Since 2019, he has been teaching courses on logic and critical reasoning for the Institute for Competence in Argumentation.
Scientists must be able to present their arguments in a precise and convincing way. However, when writing their papers, many scientists rely on intuition rather than on concrete methods. This course provides participants with all the techniques they need to know to use arguments correctly and precisely in their texts.
In the first part of the course, we introduce basic concepts of reasoning and logic: validity and soundness of arguments, deductive and inductive reasoning etc., and we investigate which role arguments play in scientific texts. In the second part of the course, we introduce basic principles of precise language and show how strong argumentation depends on good writing style.
Throughout the course, participants get the chance to apply the acquired skills directly to their own work, and they get the option to schedule an individual meeting with the trainer to discuss a current manuscript in detail.
• basic concepts of logic and argumentation theory
• the logical structure of scientific texts
• writing a good introduction
• writing style
Weitere Angaben
Ort: (Online)
Zeiten: Termine am Montag, 03.06.2024 - Dienstag, 04.06.2024 09:00 - 15:00
Erster Termin: Montag, 03.06.2024 09:00 - 15:00, Ort: (Online)
Veranstaltungsart: Vorlesung/Übung (Offizielle Lehrveranstaltungen)
- Arbeitstechniken sowie Sprach- und Medienkompetenzen